Jean Bender, attorney with Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, and Chris Prendergast, Partner and Chief Strategy Officer at Click Rain will present:
“Technology, Culture & the Law: Recruitment and Retention in the Modern Era”
This presentation will provide a closer look at online hiring platforms and advertising used used by many to recruit employees, and their potential legal pitfalls, along with the ways Click Rain has surveyed and adapted the culture in their workplace to create a positive environment that aids recruitment and retention.
Jean is active assisting clients with employee benefits issues and all areas of employment law. Jean counsels clients on issues involving sexual harassment, race, sex, age, national origin and disability discrimination, wrongful termination, wage and hour issues arising under the Fair Labor Standards Act, and leave issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Jean proactively counsels clients on issues such as hiring and firing, drug testing, harassment and discrimination investigations, employment policies, and company handbooks. Jean also drafts corporate documents related to employment such as contracts, non-compete agreements, and severance agreements and releases. Jean also consults with clients on ERISA and other legal compliance issues for employee benefit plans ranging from qualified retirement plans to flexible benefit plans. Jean has assisted a number of clients in correcting plan errors through IRS and DOL voluntary compliance programs such as EPCRS and DFVCP. She also negotiates service contracts with third party providers.
As head of client strategy, Chris advises and oversees Click Rain’s service lines, ensuring that each client has the right team and best solutions working toward their goals. Click Rain, a marketing technology agency located in downtown Sioux Falls, is an award-winning agency working with more than a hundred clients across the country, using the latest marketing technologies and tactics to help them drive results more effectively, efficiently, and measurably. Every strategy has its own measures of success, and Chris helps clients define what those should be. He works with a range of industries, from financial services to higher education, and provides analytical insight based on the specific needs of each. As one of only 52 Certified Web Analysts in the country, he uncovers the factors that contribute to clients’ digital efforts, and builds strategies to help them improve.
The session is free for members and $20 for non-members (includes lunch) and has been approved for the following continuing education credits.
The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for 1.0 hour of recertification credit pre-approval. |
Sioux Empire SHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 1.0 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit shrmcertification. org.
Leave Survey Results are in! Back in November, we asked for your participation in an absence and disability management survey in partnership with Howalt+McDowell Insurance, a Marsh & McLennan agency. We had great participation and are excited to report out on this Regional survey sharing insights on various types of paid an unpaid leave and time off, what others are doing and what is trending.
Stick around for an additional 30 minutes as Howalt+McDowell's Abbey Vanderwerf presents the results. She will share highlights of the overall survey and provide more in-depth findings to all attendees. Don’t miss this great bonus session!