Share your time and talents and expand your network by volunteering with SESHRM! We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for members to get involved. It's an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at SESHRM. Click on a position below to see the full description and contact our President on the Board Members page if you are interested in one of the following positions.
(Bold = Positions Open in upcoming Fall election)
Looking to get more exposure for your business? Considering sponsoring one of our monthly meetings/luncheons or advertising in our newsletters and on our social media. Contact our President on our Board Members page for more information regarding sponsorship opportunities.
Simply wanting to make a financial contribution? SESHRM accepts donations year-round. It’s a great way to support our cause, and every little bit counts towards advancing the human resources profession in the Sioux Falls area. Fill out the form below to make an impact today.