Below you will find updates regarding awards, offerings, news, and more. We encourage you to visit this page frequently for recent announcements, current initiatives, and the most up to date information regarding SESHRM.
50/50 Raffle - SHRM Foundation By Sarah Hanson
The SHRM Foundation is the philanthropic arm of SHRM. The SHRM Foundation mobilizes the power of HR for positive social change in the workplace. The SHRM Foundation focuses on several initiatives such as: Veterans at Work, Getting Talent Back to Work, Employing Abilities at Work, and Workplace Mental Health & Wellness. They also provide multiple scholarship opportunities for National SHRM Members towards certification, undergraduate/post graduate work, and conferences!
At our October chapter meeting, we will be doing a 50/50 Raffle to raise funds for the SHRM Foundation. Be sure to bring cash! If you won’t be able to attend, but want to learn more and donate directly to the SHRM Foundation visit:
Salary Survey Update By Monique Vanden Heuvel
Sponsorship Opportunity! The Salary Survey Committee in the process of preparing our 2023 Salary Survey and are looking for sponsors to partner with us to defray expenses of the survey.
All SESHRM members are invited to respond to the salary survey. The survey provides area HR professionals and business leaders with accurate and timely information on the salary information for various positions within the Sioux Falls marketplace. We complete the survey process every other year and survey results are available for purchase by organizations that did not participate in the survey.
Based on past participation results, we anticipate the survey results will be distributed to over 100 employers with a potential of reaching our over 350 chapter members through advertising on our website and chapter meetings as part of sponsorship of the survey.
If your organization would like to sponsor the survey, please click here to register:
Survey Invite
Salary survey invites were sent out starting May 1st . The deadline for completing the survey invite will be May 31st.
SESHRM Scholarship Recipients By Krysta Widman
SESHRM is delighted to award two deserving members with Scholarships to become Certified-Professionals! Our winners are Amy Woolston, Valiant Living, Inc. and Cassondra Breuer, Olson Oil Co.! Both members receive a scholarship worth $1,500 to attend USF’s Certification Prep Course and to cover the cost of the exam. Congratulations to you both and good luck to you as you continue to expand your HR expertise.
If you are interested in learning more about USF’s Prep Course, contact Krysta Widman, Certification Director at or click here to register by 9/1:
SHRM National Conference Summary By Krysta Widman
As a winner of SESHRM’s National Conference Scholarship, THANK YOU for the opportunity to visit New Orleans, connect with HR professionals from around the country, continue my education, and make meaningful connections with great people from our own chapter! I am Krysta Widman, Certification Director for SESHRM and HR Manager at Gage Brothers Concrete Products. I was honored to attend National SHRM for the first time and have a few Take-Aways from the event.
First of all, I would like to explain that this was my FIRST TIME TRAVELING BY PLANE and I was lucky to have my SESHRM gals with me to help me through it! The trip was 5 days completely PACKED with learning, exploring, eating, and connecting.
The conference’s theme: “Causing The Effect” means to be proactive rather than reactive, to be a positive influence in the lives of those around us.
Johnny C. Taylor Jr., SHRM President explained Cause the Effect as the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat. The data keeping and reporting duties of HR professionals are like a thermometer. It tells us information and helps us to make sense of information. In contrast, a thermostat changes the temperature and creates a different environment. He advised HR professionals that in order to be successful, we need to be the thermostat that influences the hearts and minds of our companies and sets the course for the way the world does business. He urged us to make the world work for everyone instead of merely keeping our companies out of the courtroom. He acknowledged that our profession has a unique ability to create change and impact lives by giving one opportunity that can allow someone to unlock their true potential. We not only have the power to impact people’s lives, but we are obligated to do so.
Here are two areas that we can focus on to act as a thermostat in our lives:
A few takeaways from a few of the speakers:
This was a really interesting session that taught the audience that we really aren’t that good at detecting lies. We learned four things to look for when assessing credibility in a story.
Arianna Huffington:
Anton Gunn presented Radical Recovery for leaders:
Here are his 5 keys for leaders:
Overall, the trip was a great experience both personally and professionally as I had the opportunity to both learn and grow my relationships with the people I work with in our local chapter. I am grateful to SESHRM for offering this scholarship and for choosing me to attend! If I have any advice for anyone reading this, it is: Apply for the scholarship—this one or any that is offered to help you grow in your skills and connections AND, if you ever have the chance to go to National—Take it! The quality of speakers and diversity of sessions offered is impressive to say the least!!!
In recognition of the need for skilled Human Resources professionals to support the workforce within the region of Sioux Falls, the Sioux Empire Society for Human Resource Management (SESHRM) will award one (1) $1,000 scholarship per academic year to an eligible undergraduate student recipient meeting the following eligibility requirements. Should no eligible applicants apply in a year, the award will not be given.
Submit a written application to the current SESHRM Student Chapter Board Liaison at Application format should be a Word document or PDF. Please email application materials addressed to the Student Chapter Board Liaison, who will confirm receipt of your application.
Application should include the following:
Submit application materials by March 1 for the following academic year, defined as August through July. Scholarship recipient will be notified of award status by May. Checks will be sent to the student’s account at their academic institution of higher learning and made payable to that institution on behalf of the student.
All application materials, including your letter(s) of recommendation and personal essay will be reviewed, to assess the following points: