President's Blog

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  • 09/13/2024 2:13 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    As we step into September, we find ourselves at the crossroads of summer’s warmth and the crisp promise of fall. It's a month of transitions, where the energy of the new season invigorates our spirits and sets the stage for fresh beginnings.

    It is also the time of year when SESHRM begins to prepare for our annual elections. This year, we have several positions that will be open: President Elect, Secretary, Membership Director, Marketing Director, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Communications Director, and Program Co-Chair. Each of these positions offers a unique opportunity to serve our chapter and gain valuable leadership experience. If you are interested in running for any of the open positions, please reach out to myself or one of our current SESHRM board members as we would like to open up our board elections October 2024.

    Our September meeting will be presented by Faith Minnich Kjesbo, MAMFT, NDCCDP, manager of Formation and Culture Competence, Avera Mission Services. This will be an interactive session to explore proactive skills and behaviors that will help equip us with different avenues to help effectively navigate diverse views at work.

    Watch for upcoming announcements regarding our HR Professional of the Year and Workplace Excellence Awards – then consider who you could nominate in the respective categories. Nominating takes a little thought, but not a lot of time and the value of that recognition pays dividends to that HR Professional or that employer. Employers do not need to be SESHRM members to be nominated.

    Lastly, please be watching for an email regarding membership renewals for 2025. Renewals will open up around October 1st. We are looking forward to a busy fall within the chapter. Don’t forget in December we will come together to celebrate with each other and look forward to another amazing year!

    Thank you,

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 08/16/2024 10:30 AM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    August is here and it is hard to believe that summer is winding down, kids are getting ready to go back to school in the next couple of weeks and fall weather will be upon us before we know it.

    Thank you to all who were able to join us in July for our annual legal update with Jean Bender and Brooke Schmidt. This meeting exceeded our expectations in attendance both virtually and in person. We would like to extend our appreciation to all our incredible speakers who have generously shared their knowledge and expertise with us.

    SESHRM is excited to be partnering with the Business Resource Network to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month with an event in October! More information will be available about this event soon.

    Our August meeting will be presented by Rachel Gackle & Christy Westerman, Employee Benefits Consultants with Marsh & McLennan Agency. They will be exploring the progressive evolution of employer wellness programs and exploring innovative ideas for reimagining your own program.

    Our organization thrives because of the dedication and passion of its members. As we look to the future, we need additional leaders to help steer our organization. We are calling on you to consider running for one of our open board positions. We are actively recruiting for the following board positions for 2025: President Elect, Secretary, Membership Director, Marketing Director, Treasurer, Conference Chair & Communications Director. Everyone’s involvement is crucial for our continued success and growth. Please reach out to one of our current board members if you are interested as we would like to roll out board elections in October 2024.

    Thank you for all you do!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 07/11/2024 4:25 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    As we celebrate Independence Day this month, it is important to remember the service men and women who have made so many sacrifices so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. I would like to personally thank our SESHRM members and the family members who have given their time and talents and sacrificed time with their families to serve our country. We are so blessed to have you among our ranks and are eternally grateful for your service.

    SHRM held another amazing annual conference in Chicago last month, according to several SESHRM members who attended! This year’s attendance topped 26,000. The 2025 annual SHRM conference will be in San Diego, CA, information is already available for registration on the national SHRM website.

    Our July Monthly Meeting will be packed with great information on Navigating the Changing Landscape: FTC’s non-compete rule and DOL’s Overtime ruling. Jean Bender and Brooke Schmidt of Davenport, Evans Hurwitz & Smith L.L.P will be presenting on this subject, there is still time to sign up.

    I would like to acknowledge and thank our volunteers for everything that they have been doing to support our chapter, and the HR profession. Our chapter will have seven open board positions available this fall, and we are looking for volunteers to help in the growth of our chapter. If you have any questions regarding any of these positions, please reach out to any of our board members.

    Thank you!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 06/14/2024 6:57 AM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and was able to enjoy the beautiful weather! The sunshine is definitely a welcome change from all the rain.

    Make sure to register for the June meeting! Shari Nornes, a principal consultant from Morgan HR will be presenting: Impactful Pay Conversations. This should be another great meeting so don't miss it!

    Our Programs Co-Directors and Committee are putting the finishing touches on the programing for the remainder of 2024. Be prepared for some great speakers and topics. Thank you to everyone who provides us with the great content every month!

    The SoDak SHRM State Council will be hosting a one-hour, virtual training that will be offered to all chapter members at no cost to the members. They are hoping to hold the virtual training in July or August, during regular business hours. Once we have more information on this session we will pass on the information for the session.

    SoDak SHRM Scholarship Program: In recognition of the need for skilled Human Resources professionals to support the workforce within the state of South Dakota, the SoDak SHRM State Council will award one (1) $500 scholarship per academic year to an eligible undergraduate student recipient. Submit application materials by August 9th for the following academic year, defined as August through July. The scholarship recipient will be notified of award status by August 15. Check out the full application process here:

    Have a great month of June and always thank you for all you do!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 05/17/2024 3:01 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    Congratulations SESHRM!! We have been awarded the 2023 Gold Excel Award! This award recognizes a chapter's outstanding achievements in providing meaningful programs and services to our members. Additionally, it is recognition of our continued growth and development as a business leader that is capable of developing strategies that lead to business success!

    I, and several SESHRM members, had the pleasure to attend the SoDak State SHRM Conference held in Pierre, SD last month. There were some great sessions put on and the featured speakers were motivating. Thank you to the Pierre SHRM chapter and the SoDak State SHRM Board for hosting and being so hospitable. The 2025 SoDak State SHRM conference will be held in the Black Hills, April 30th, 2025- May 2nd, 2025. Mark your calendars for 2025 and hope to see everyone in the Black Hills!

    Speaking of our May meeting, Trudy Billion will be joining us for a valuable session on BASK in your HR Expertise!  She will present items on taking your career to the next level by career mapping, how to leverage the BASK to be a strategic HR partner for the organization and components of the SHRM Bask.

    Please always feel free to reach out to myself, or any SESHRM Board member with comments, questions, concerns or ideas! Also, a desire to volunteer on a committee, or serve on the SESHRM Board of Directors can be directed towards any board member!

    The following positions will be open for 2025: President Elect, Secretary, Membership Director, Marketing Director, Treasurer, Conference Chair & Communications Director.

    Have a great May!!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 04/12/2024 3:37 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    Spring has sprung (finally)! What a treat!

    A BIG Thank You to our Spring Planning Committee for all their work on putting together such an engaging and thought-provoking Spring Conference. Mother Nature threw us wild ball; however, this committee was able to pivot on a moment’s notice and still bring us an impactful conference. What an eye-opening session on elevating our confidence to the next level. I know that I will be implementing some of the tricks and tips that Treva presented to our group. Hopefully you all enjoyed!

    Thank you as well to our SESHRM Spring Conference Sponsors, Sanford Health Plans, UKG, Think 3D, Well365, Woods Fuller, Time Management Systems, University of Sioux Falls, Paychex, Workforce, and Short Staffed, Inc. The generosity of our sponsors is a huge help in bringing in top notch speakers.

    Congrats to Kristen Steen, winner of the SDSHRM State Conference Registration (Megan Petermann is the alternate), and Ashley Anderson, winner of the one-hour session with Treva!

    Congratulations to our Conference Scholarship winner, Stephanie Clenney. She will be attending the SHRM Talent Conference & Expo taking place this month. We look forward to hearing all about it!

    Our April meeting will be held on 04/16 and we will be welcoming Jackie Payne. Jackie will provide an overview of the FranklinCovey approach to coaching effectively and will provide a set of mindsets, toolsets, and skillsets that – when implemented intentionally- will unleash greater potential in others.

    There is still time to register for the State SHRM Conference, April 30th – May 2nd in Pierre. Diverse breakout topics will include Culture, Legislative Updates, Employee Relations, Talent Acquisition, AI and more. I look forward to seeing you there!

    I wanted to remind our group that the May Monthly Meeting will be held on May 20th (Monday), rather than the typical Tuesday.

    Have a great April.

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 03/14/2024 1:04 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    We can all agree that spring is in the air and many of us are counting the days to more sunshine, warmer temperatures, and grass and flowers growing. Speaking of spring, the “Spring” conference is right around the corner. If you haven’t registered to attend “Mastering Confidence: Science-Backed Strategies for Success – presented by Treva Grave”, you still have time. Register today through the SESHRM website! The first 100 onsite attendees will receive Treava’s latest book, Self-Doubt Detox. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to win a FREE State Conference registration.

    The SESHRM Board is excited to announce our 2024 Strategic Initiatives! This year, the Board of Directors, committee members, and many volunteers, will be focusing on three important initiatives / projects. These include community involvement, chapter experience and increasing membership in our local and national chapter.

    Early bird registration pricing for the SoDak SHRM state conference in Pierre is ending on March 31st. To register, or for more information: 2024 SoDak SHRM State Conference | South Dakota SHRM State Council

    Another way to grow yourself this month is to submit your application for the National SHRM Conference Scholarship! We are giving away two conference scholarships this year. The deadline is March 22nd, so don’t delay!

    Please always feel free to reach out to myself, or any SESHRM Board member with comments, questions, concerns or ideas! Also, a desire to volunteer on a committee, or serve on the SESHRM Board of Directors can be directed towards any board member! The following positions will be open for 2025: President Elect, Secretary, Membership Director, Marketing Director, Treasurer, Conference Chair & Communications Director.

    Thank you for all you do!!

  • 02/08/2024 8:28 AM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    I am so thankful that we made it through our cold January, and according to Punxsutawney Phil spring is on its way! I would like to extend a big thank you to the Programs Co-Directors and committee for our January speaker, Chris Czarnik. I am confident that we all took something new away from his presentation. What a great way to reset for 2024!

    Our February session will be on Leveraging the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Julie Younkin will be teaching us on how to leverage emotional intelligence by defining and decoding what EQ is and the four skills of EQ.

    Please be sure to complete the surveys each month after each event. Our vision is “To create a learning and networking environment that will inspire and develop Human Resources Professionals”. Your feedback helps us in aspiring to meet that vision.

    Just a reminder that our spring conference will be on March 26th, registration is now open. Treva Grave will be presenting on Mastering Confidence: Science-Baked Strategies for success.

    Please be watching for upcoming registration information for the State conference taking place in Pierre on April 30th.

    Thanks for all you do and have a great month!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 01/11/2024 8:27 AM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    Happy New Year! We hope you all had a joyful holiday season with family and friends! The SESHRM board will meet on 01/10/2024 for our Annual Strategic Meeting to determine our initiatives for 2024. We want to continue to focus on increased member engagement both in person and virtually, diversifying development opportunities being offered, working on creating a volunteer base, along with expanding our communication and outreach as our local member numbers continue to steadily raise. SHRM will also be showcasing some new initiatives, along with a new and improved website. Watch for more details soon!

    On January 16th, we will be holding our January half-day session with Chris Czarnik. He will be helping us start off the year right by presenting new ideas on recruitment, engagement, retaining & developing talent inside our organizations, along with giving us tools to take back to our organization to help implement some of these great ideas. Be sure to register today!

    We would like to remind you to follow us on all of our social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Slack. Slack is a great opportunity to network and start conversations with other HR professionals on topics or questions that are on your mind.

    Lastly, we would like to extend a special Thank You to our outgoing SESHRM Board Members; Christina Cota, Krysta Wildman and Sarah Hanson and extend a warm welcome to Lucinda Noronha, Denise Guzzetta and Tara Cox as our newest Board Members.

    Thank you for the opportunity to lead our wonderful SESHRM organization this year!  I’m looking forward to a fantastic year!

    Monique Vanden Heuvel

  • 12/08/2023 3:57 PM | Andrew Erkonen (Administrator)

    Just like that…it’s December! Where did the year go?!

    A sincere “Thank You” for the opportunity to serve as the 2023 SESHRM Chapter President. I am grateful for the many connections I have made this year and enjoyed working alongside such competent professionals to advance the SESHRM Chapter. It has been such a rewarding experience, personally and professionally!

    Sarah Hanson (Past President), Christina Cota (Programs Co-Director), and Krysta Widman (Certification Director), a BIG shout out to you all, as you move on from the board. You all have made a significant impact and your dedication and contributions are much appreciated!

    We are also very excited to be welcoming our new board members in January! Lucinda Noronha (President-Elect), Denise Guzzetta (Programs Co-Director), and Tara Cox (Certification Director). Can’t wait to work with you!

    We look forward to seeing you all at the social on December 12th at 3:00 p.m. Please remember to bring your donations for Dress for Success along with your holiday cheer. We will have games, appetizers and will be raffling off various baskets. All proceeds raised will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House. PREMIER will be graciously matching all funds raised at the event!

    Thank you again for this opportunity!


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Sioux Empire SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. | PO Box 1302 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101 | Chapter #217

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