Spring has sprung (finally)! What a treat!
A BIG Thank You to the Planning Committee for all their work on putting together such an engaging and thought-provoking Spring Conference. What a great reminder of how impactful authenticity and vulnerability can be in and out of the workplace. Hopefully you all enjoyed!
Congratulations to our 2023 National SHRM Conference Scholarship Winners, Jennifer Weber and Jessica Ashton. Kudos to the both of you for continuing to educate yourself and elevating the HR profession. We look forward to hearing all about it!
If you plan to attend the national conference, please reach out to a SESHRM board member to let them know. SESHRM has created a private Slack channel to assist you in networking with other local members who are also attending the national conference. I had the opportunity to attend this conference the last two years and through this event, had the privilege of meeting some phenomenal leaders within SESHRM. Excited for all who are attending, such an invaluable experience.
There is still time to register for the State SHRM Conference, May 3rd to May 5th in Yankton. Diverse breakout topics which include Culture, Legislative Updates, Employee Relations, Talent Acquisition, Benefit Strategic, Emotional Intelligence and MORE. 11.25 SHRM and HRCI credits pending. I look forward to seeing you there!
Enjoy your week,
Julia Disburg, SHRM-CP, PHR