October 2021 Chapter President Update

10/15/2021 12:11 PM | Anonymous member

How in the world is it the last quarter of 2021?? I am thankful for these nice fall days and hope they will continue.

I do have some sad news to share….Millisa “Missy” Anderson passed away on Thursday, September 23rd.  Missy had been a fellow SESHRM member since 2014. She was the Employee Experience Manager at First National Bank in Sioux Falls. She leaves behind her husband, John and two children, Jackson and Chloe. Please keep them and her co-workers at First National Bank in your thoughts and prayers.

Our annual SESHRM membership will start at the beginning of November so be watching your e-mails. We continue to strategize on how we can work on our Mission:

              Advance the Human Resources profession, empower our members, and serve the community.

And 2022 will be no different with relevant monthly meetings to include a ½ day session in January, a Spring Conference and much more. In addition, we will continue with our Member Resource Groups which give our members additional networking opportunities. 

In addition, we will be holding our annual Board Elections in November as well. There are 8 open Board Positions for 2022….so if you have an interest please let Sarah Hanson know ASAP! 
Her e-mail is: 

You won’t want to miss our October Meeting when Attorney’s Jean Bender and Reece Almont with Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith LLP speak about the intricacies of Workplace Investigations. This will be great information.   And remember we are offering the meeting in-person at Ramada and also virtually for those that aren’t able to attend.

Mary Jo Vance, SHRM-SCP

Sioux Empire SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. | PO Box 1302 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101 | Chapter #217

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