April 2022 Chapter President Update

04/14/2022 7:47 PM | Anonymous member

Somehow it is April already, but that also means Spring is here and more of the spring weather should be following soon! Speaking of Spring, a BIG shout out to all of the members of the Conference Committee that put on a wonderful Spring Conference. Jennifer McClure and Ali Payne were fabulous! 

The SESHRM board has been busy coming up with ways to engage with our members more. We hope that each of you find something that fits you – if you don’t please reach out to one of us with your ideas that we can incorporate in the future. A simple engagement opportunity includes posting/responding to other members via our social media channels including, Slack, LinkedIn, and Facebook.  Upcoming opportunities include being a mentor or mentee as part of our SESHRM Mentor Program. Reach out to Kassie Van Wyk for additional information. Another great opportunity is to join our board. In another article you’ll see specifics on the Conference Director spot that we are looking to fill now. Early this fall you’ll see more about the positions that will be coming available at the end of the year. Reach out to Julia Disburg for more information on how to join our board.

Other opportunities to watch for in the future include Certification Scholarships, Award Nominations, Member Resource Groups, Committees (Programs, Salary Survey, Conference, etc.), Conference Registration Drawings, and more. 

On behalf of the board, we look forward to engaging with you soon!  Happy Spring to all!


Sioux Empire SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. | PO Box 1302 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101 | Chapter #217

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