December 2023 Chapter President Update

12/08/2023 3:57 PM | Anonymous

Just like that…it’s December! Where did the year go?!

A sincere “Thank You” for the opportunity to serve as the 2023 SESHRM Chapter President. I am grateful for the many connections I have made this year and enjoyed working alongside such competent professionals to advance the SESHRM Chapter. It has been such a rewarding experience, personally and professionally!

Sarah Hanson (Past President), Christina Cota (Programs Co-Director), and Krysta Widman (Certification Director), a BIG shout out to you all, as you move on from the board. You all have made a significant impact and your dedication and contributions are much appreciated!

We are also very excited to be welcoming our new board members in January! Lucinda Noronha (President-Elect), Denise Guzzetta (Programs Co-Director), and Tara Cox (Certification Director). Can’t wait to work with you!

We look forward to seeing you all at the social on December 12th at 3:00 p.m. Please remember to bring your donations for Dress for Success along with your holiday cheer. We will have games, appetizers and will be raffling off various baskets. All proceeds raised will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House. PREMIER will be graciously matching all funds raised at the event!

Thank you again for this opportunity!


Sioux Empire SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. | PO Box 1302 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101 | Chapter #217

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